Wednesday, 2 January 2013

This world is Not enough

The first day of a new year is about to finish in a few mints time. A new year a new bunch of resolutions and tireless thinking for a better start; that's all we get every time when this day is arriving. But the fact is we don't actually get any changes with the start of a new year. It's just a new calendar month, a new date and an addition of a figure in date. The best part is that resolution thing when we think to decide on few important matters of our life. But how do we or if we follow it is a different matter. As is said "man proposes and God disposes". But how good it would have been, had we got a common resolution as well, a goal for humanity; cause lack of though provoking education, materialism  and inter cultural hatred is on the rise. To be honest education system is good to produce professionals but not humans. Every one wants to achieve their goals by any means, and I don't know what civilised nations mean by this term "Civilised" when they use it for themselves. All in all when ever a sensitive thinking mind inhales air, it's only hatred and worse, its every where. Materialism is making us self-centred, racist, ignorant animals. And still we call this present time a "Global village". Even if humans have crossed the frontiers of new developments and achieved great success in every field of technology, it is moving fast towards a total failure in humanity. Ethnic and religious differences were things of the past now its personal likeness that plays a decisive role towards the faith of poor and undeveloped humans.

So this new year is just another new year. Since the world survived to end in 2012, lets hope we don't make it more worse for our future. Let this be the year of realisation of our past mistakes. After all it's another human on the receiving end of our deeds. 

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