Friday, 4 May 2012

The Beginning of an End

One thing that bothers me a lot is when people are making their lives difficult. We make issues out of matters by feeding them with brain storming thoughts and creating complications. Quran has been asking man kind to ask, to think and then get to the conclusion. But we seem to do it the other way round and thus end up being no where. If one is wise enough to just look and observe the mother nature with a keen eye, it has answers to our complexities. But humans, being the superior of food chain cycle, eating all of them, and getting others nature digested would end up with pride and ego to announce that it's difficult as he is different and so is his situation. Making life difficult is very much similar to oil refining. They get oil in crude form, simple with all the impurities but clear as water. This transparent substance is then subjected to chemical processes that converts it to smelly things that has the power and at the end we get a black substance charcoal. The power that the oil gets is it's ego that has put the whole world at war and the charcoal is the same derivadent that we walk on and avoid to inhale. But all of it is the same tetra carbon ring, not different! Mother nature has a great solution to the complication. It shows us that by leading life in phases, life doesn't get stuck and keeps on developing. Like a cell grows in the body, interacts with other cells, gets to maturity and then renews itself. For us humans we would get stuck, simply because we cut our hopes. We think over the ending so much that we would consider end as the end and leave ourself with no alternatives. On the contrary if we get to a point where we do not want to move ahead or can't move ahead; is infect the beginning. Thats where we get confused but it's very clear, an end is actually a new beginning. That's how it should be and if it's not then it will force itself like that, cause it's the nature that's in charge. A cell has to get into phases and get to the end ,, which becomes the new beginning. Similar to that a human life is divided into phases. We get to the end of every phase and then we begin a new one. Those that can understand it would never get discouraged to look for Big Endings. Hope is the only binding force that rushes through the blood in such situations, keeping ones eyes open and mind ticking. So the point is "Every new Beginning is the End of some thing" and similarly every ending leads to a new beginning. Every human life grows through phases of happiness, sorrows , anger , greed, failure and success. It never stays at one stage for ever. It's humans themselves who decide the ultimate ending, otherwise it's never ending but beginning at each full stop.