Wednesday 2 January 2013

This world is Not enough

The first day of a new year is about to finish in a few mints time. A new year a new bunch of resolutions and tireless thinking for a better start; that's all we get every time when this day is arriving. But the fact is we don't actually get any changes with the start of a new year. It's just a new calendar month, a new date and an addition of a figure in date. The best part is that resolution thing when we think to decide on few important matters of our life. But how do we or if we follow it is a different matter. As is said "man proposes and God disposes". But how good it would have been, had we got a common resolution as well, a goal for humanity; cause lack of though provoking education, materialism  and inter cultural hatred is on the rise. To be honest education system is good to produce professionals but not humans. Every one wants to achieve their goals by any means, and I don't know what civilised nations mean by this term "Civilised" when they use it for themselves. All in all when ever a sensitive thinking mind inhales air, it's only hatred and worse, its every where. Materialism is making us self-centred, racist, ignorant animals. And still we call this present time a "Global village". Even if humans have crossed the frontiers of new developments and achieved great success in every field of technology, it is moving fast towards a total failure in humanity. Ethnic and religious differences were things of the past now its personal likeness that plays a decisive role towards the faith of poor and undeveloped humans.

So this new year is just another new year. Since the world survived to end in 2012, lets hope we don't make it more worse for our future. Let this be the year of realisation of our past mistakes. After all it's another human on the receiving end of our deeds. 

Tuesday 10 July 2012

Thinking Spot

Life is getting tougher and fast in present times. Humans are faced with so many problems not just relating to day to day interpersonal relations but living in itself is a huge task now. Every one seems to be in rush. People are getting too much self focused. Humanity is at far. Every one is at war; war for self pleasure, self promotion, self security and nothing but self. People nowadays are not just grouped by colors and cast but wealth is playing such a big splitter. In other situations religions are utilised to spread hatred/split by misinterpreting the teachings. It has encompassed every one, every age group and every single relation; may it be blood or social/religious. However fact is that such self focused people attaining superlative qualities of every thing in life and considering others below average or illiterate are such a failure, that you would want to cry on their behalf,cause they even fail to see it. We are getting more and more successful in works like machines but a total failure in life and relations. Although we work to live and not live to work. We like every thing that's considered bad on social, moral, religious and ethical grounds i.e speak lies, talk rubbish, sexually corrupt and ethically weak people are the favourite group. Knowledge now is only gained and utilised to earn money. Do we really know what is it that we are running for? Do we really need to do all this? Why don't we feel anything while standing over others corpse? Are we just happy to be alive ? This type of questioning answering session with self is much needed for every one. This helps in not only making us better human beings but it distants us from the evil. It is called Catharsis "purification". The other advantage of this procedure is direction(Aim) in life and consideration of long term impacts of ones acts/words on other lives.

A thinking spot or area is a requirement for such catharsis, where one can stand next to ones own self and engage the battle between the good and the bad. Some one had once asked me whats the criteria of goodness and badness. I think it's very obvious; any act forbidden by religions, society ,cultures, inner conscious and bad considered activity in a particular race is classified as bad and vice versa. It's the baddness that's the culprit of hollowness of a society, creating mental stresses and diseases. Living like an untamed animal when free(weekends mostly) and a perfect machine when working is one of the gifts of present times. Religions are considered good as far as it doesn't stop from lust, lies and corruption, otherwise we are not religious. (Will talk on this some other time, too much gun powder for this one is stored.) It's always easy to blame others, is one of the slogans of present times. But for how long ? Lame excuses are limited to age! Therefore it's always a good practice to identify ones shortcomings and acknowledge mistakes. Some times it's just a sorry and a thank you that's all required to make our lives easy.

I am including a picture in this post just to give an idea of a thinking spot. I use it more often just to keep myself on track.

Tuesday 3 July 2012

Rules of Engagement

Okay ! I know it could be named something else as well but yes it has to do something with my engagement as well(^_^)so named it. We come into contact with people as part of society and we are humans so we have to fullfil our needs and desires, depending on which strain you are i.e negative or positive. But how much do we relie on our heart and mind to get to some decision making and interactions is the real matter of thought. If we look at the above statements with googles on, what I really mean is that our heart keep on changing when it comes to likeness and openions about others, but mind on the other hand does not jump into conclusion on the bases of timely needs and physical aspirations, it has to process a matter by proper calculation of ones past, present and future. I'm greatly Soory for those who are Lovers :P, and believe in that thing, off course there are types of love as well which then makes it so much of a different entity. Love lust, love desire and love need are just few. While mind is "mind the reality" thing and not the "for the time being" dream thing. I'm not going to confuse reality with hatred, cause I don't hate any thing or any one, not only because life is uncertain or short for it, but because every human is created by the Creator equal and same but it has it's nature; adapted from society and material world. If I have problem with any thing meaning my mind can't process it for a false positive result, I have my option of simply leaving it to its faith and "mind my business". Now we grow with time, decisions made at an earlier time might be less mature because of mind age and experience, but while going through them; only mind should be engaged. Just to elaborate a bit I had made a decision about the locality and ethnicity of my partner in crime some three years back on very solid and obvious proves and facts, so when brought to spot light again, I still couldn't deny the facts. May Allah have mercy on them and show them the right path. There is a Pukhtun myth about it ; as I'm discussing this mater so would like to share it as well. It goes like "Always be very careful in choosing three things, first is your shoe , if its not fitting you will repent the whole time and will injure yourself with it, 2nd is your place of pee, don't select a place from where your pee will flow back to you and third is your life partner, as in you have made your choice on personal likeness but you alone will have to face his/her past life and present thoughts/desires". Coming back to the topic; following are some of the rules of engagement in a personal life and society. I have practised most of them and they Do Work!
1. Time is a healer , it heals almost every thing, so give it some time. As the poet says; پیوستہ رے شجر سے امیدے بہار رک Meaning stay engaged, keep on breathing and smiling, worries don't live long.
2. Make peace with your past, so it doesn't spoil your present. I have wrote about it earlier. The past is a lesson in memory dump, don't treat it as rubbish dump but don't let it spoil your present.
3. What others think of you is non of your business. Now this one seems very obvious but it's not. Our acts and words are a presentation of our personality. There are set social and behaviour rules based on every religion,culture and ethnicity. Expectations should be based on backgrounds, not only yours but of others as well. You get what you give is the rule of social life, treat a person badly and will be treated likewise in return. Show respect and get it from the worst people. Behave (speak/act) like a bad person and don't expect to be judged as a good one.
4. Don't compare your life with others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
5. You are responsible for your own happiness and no one else. In other words the reason of ones happiness is they themselves, no one can bring happiness to others lives.
6. Stop thinking too much, sometimes it's ignorance that brings peace and content.
7. Keep on smiling you don't own all the problems in the world.
8. Always speak the truth, the root of every worry is lies and deception.

There are many more but these are the most general ones that can be applied to every life. I received them some years back from a friend and wished to share after moulding myself into them.

Friday 4 May 2012

The Beginning of an End

One thing that bothers me a lot is when people are making their lives difficult. We make issues out of matters by feeding them with brain storming thoughts and creating complications. Quran has been asking man kind to ask, to think and then get to the conclusion. But we seem to do it the other way round and thus end up being no where. If one is wise enough to just look and observe the mother nature with a keen eye, it has answers to our complexities. But humans, being the superior of food chain cycle, eating all of them, and getting others nature digested would end up with pride and ego to announce that it's difficult as he is different and so is his situation. Making life difficult is very much similar to oil refining. They get oil in crude form, simple with all the impurities but clear as water. This transparent substance is then subjected to chemical processes that converts it to smelly things that has the power and at the end we get a black substance charcoal. The power that the oil gets is it's ego that has put the whole world at war and the charcoal is the same derivadent that we walk on and avoid to inhale. But all of it is the same tetra carbon ring, not different! Mother nature has a great solution to the complication. It shows us that by leading life in phases, life doesn't get stuck and keeps on developing. Like a cell grows in the body, interacts with other cells, gets to maturity and then renews itself. For us humans we would get stuck, simply because we cut our hopes. We think over the ending so much that we would consider end as the end and leave ourself with no alternatives. On the contrary if we get to a point where we do not want to move ahead or can't move ahead; is infect the beginning. Thats where we get confused but it's very clear, an end is actually a new beginning. That's how it should be and if it's not then it will force itself like that, cause it's the nature that's in charge. A cell has to get into phases and get to the end ,, which becomes the new beginning. Similar to that a human life is divided into phases. We get to the end of every phase and then we begin a new one. Those that can understand it would never get discouraged to look for Big Endings. Hope is the only binding force that rushes through the blood in such situations, keeping ones eyes open and mind ticking. So the point is "Every new Beginning is the End of some thing" and similarly every ending leads to a new beginning. Every human life grows through phases of happiness, sorrows , anger , greed, failure and success. It never stays at one stage for ever. It's humans themselves who decide the ultimate ending, otherwise it's never ending but beginning at each full stop.

Friday 20 April 2012

Fake appearnece

I just came across a very interesting article. I am not going to discuss the subject matter of the article as it is out of context for me, but it has a message which is of great value. It is said that there was a very pious man, living in a village in a small cottage. He used to spent most of his time in prayers. One of his friend got a summon and had to leave for the city but he didn't trusted anyone to leave his wife with. After considering the matter, he decided to leave her at that pious persons place. The wife was sent to his house to stay with other ladies. One night the pious man got thirsty and asked for water from home, but his wife was busy so the friends wife gave him water. When he saw her hands he could not control himself and his mind started bad imaginations about his friends wife. He stayed in this condition for a while and then realised his sin. He got very worried and went to another pious person for help. The other man told him about a person in another village who could help him to get out of that state. So he went to that person. When the pious person saw that man, he appeared to be drinking wine while sitting with his young son. The pious person told him the whole sin story and that person told him the remedy. While leaving that place the pious person asked him that why are you giving the appearance of drinking Wine while you are drinking only soft drink. That person replied because I don't want others to leave their wives with me and thus put me in the trouble by falling for a stranger and deceive a trust. What I got from the above story is that we tend to pretend and thus deceive others. We lie and try to hide our sins. Humans are greedy by nature and want to get things from other person's plate while might got better on own plate. I am trying to be a bit diplomatic, leaving it to reader to take meaning out of the words. But the message is very obvious one has to present as he/she is, in reality. The difference in words and acts is a good diplomacy for short time only and people do get caught :P, if not then Almighty is watching and is upto Him. So instead of putting one self in a controversery by not speaking or hiding the truth, it's always a better strategy to come up with a true appearance , and thus avoid the later consequences. One has to be very careful in matters that creates impressions and counters other humans. People speak lies out of fear of fellow beings. But they dont realise the simple fact that we are after all curious humans and not angels. A single lie can lead to a total collapse of life. If people can get judgemental of our right things so can they of the wrong ones, like a true false and false true detection test. So say what you really are and do as you say.

Thursday 19 April 2012

Trust and Belief

Human thought is very complex. It keeps on changing with the changing circumstances, always looking to the different aspects of things in life. The complexity of life increases with the increasing expectations. One of the most affecting factor of these expectations is our fair and worries. We are greatly influenced by our worries. We spend hours and hours of thinking on very simple things. All this thinking does no good to us but inturn makes our lives miserable. Our confidence greatly shatters with all these worries and thinking about worries. So unless and until we get rid of our worries, there is never going to be any entrence for self belief and thus we will remain stuk. It is therefore very important that we have this belief that I am still able to coupe with things and Allah is there to help me throught all the thick and thin. A true believer is a person who puts his full confidence in Allah and trusts his commitment. Only those people enjoy success of both the worlds and in every matter of life, who stand and confront all the worries and fears of life with this trust and belief that yes so what, I am still living and Allah will always be on my side and things will get better and best for me.

Friday 13 April 2012

Life as it is

Some times in our lives we are so hasty that we don't even bother about the outcomes of our acts. To every one of us we are perfect beings, though we might not accept it in public but let's be honest we do consider ourselves supreme beings. Having said that I know it's not going to be widely appreciated but to us any one who is lower in qualification , age, experience and these days wealth are to be considered lower beings. I remember Ashfaq Ahmad once while narrating one of his life stories said that after doing my masters, I wouldnt give much importance to my father views. Simply because I am more qualified than him. But there is another subject called life. We all are studing this equally well but only some of us are good students. Few days back I heard some one wishing to restart life from the beginning and shape it differently but bring it to the same point. It's very interesting cause non of us seem to be a good student of life. We come across people who had left no stone unturned to harm their soul and people who had done everything just to keep away from a tiny spot. Humans are curious by nature, they want to know why is it that even living a perfect or close to perfection life, they still have to suffer. According to the rule of the book, if one does good, the reward for it should also be good. But it is far from reality. If we do the anatomy of a successful student of life, we get so much frustration that we might endup considering our own much better. That's the actual thing, why do we have to compair our lives with others. If we stick to this question for a while and look back few chapters, we would get to the conclusion that we had a good past life. At that stage we realise the importance of the present. We start thinking that it's actually the present that needs to be shaped well. But we hardly learn any thing good from our past, except some worldly experiences that might save us from loss in wealth or health. So the most important part of our lives is the present. Life is uncertain as well. We need to be very careful in taking any steps for the future. Of course life will go on even if we fail to do so, but then again we would want to get back to where we started. My main objective of writing this post is to make one feel the importance of the present in our life. We can not move back to the past and neither can we jump directly to the future. So it's no use living in any of these two i.e repents and dreaming. Live life with a balance attitude, keeping future in our goals and past is our minds. Preempt through observation and logical analysis without the addition of comparison is the only possible way towards a prosperous next day.